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Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Merokok

Assalammualaikum wr. Wb
The honorable ones the English Teacher, Mrs. Oryza and all my dear friends.

In the name of Almighty God, the most gracious and merciful that has given us the health and blessing in our life, so we can keep meeting and gather in this classroom.

Ladies and gentlemen
In these days, more people have experienced respiratory problems. This can be caused by contaminated air or unhealthy lifestyles. One cause of air polluted is tobacco smoke. And unhealthy lifestyle is smoking. People who daily inhale cigarette smoke, although not smoking tend to be more susceptible to disease than active smokers. That means, smoking is very dangerous for all people not only for the smoker. Passive smokers who do not participate in smoking, poorly accept the consequences of active smokers.

Ladies and gentlemen,
According to Wikipedia, Cigarette is a cylinder of paper length between 70 to 120 mm with a diameter about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chopped. Beside containing nicotine and tar, cigarettes still store various hazardous chemicals. They are:
1.      Benzene, is also known as benzene, a flammable organic chemical compound.
2.      Cadmium, is a highly toxic and radioactive metal.
3.      Methanol Acetylene, an unsaturated chemical compound that is also the simplest of the alkaline hydrocarbons.
4.      Ammonia, is highly toxic in combination with certain elements.
5.      Formaldehyde, a highly toxic liquid used to preserve corpses.
6.      Hydrogen cyanide, a poison used as a fumigant to kill ants. This substance is also used as a substance maker of plastics and pesticides.
7.      Arsenic, the ingredients found in rat poison.
8.      Carbon monoxide, toxic chemicals found in exhaust fumes of cars and motorcycles.
Cigarettes can make their addicters got various diseases. Based on the research, smoking can cause respiratory problems, dry cough, lung pain. In addition, smoking can also cause heart attacks, stroke, cancer, impotence, and pregnancy disorders. Beside, cigarettes also have a negative impact on passive smokers. Passive smokers may get the same disease risk as active smokers. Including cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Cigarettes have long been legalized in our country Indonesia. Smokers or students should continue to be educated about the danger of smoking for themselves and others. You need to pay attention to the warnings in the pack of cigarette, not just ignore it. For all of active smokers, love yourself and love the people around you. Maybe in a few years, the people around you will get the impact after a while inhaling your cigarette smoke. Do not waste your money and time for smoking. If there is a problem, tell your closest people. Because cigarettes are the bridge to the drugs. Say no to cigarettes! Say no to smoke! And say no to drugs!
That’s all from me. Thank you so much for your wonderful attention, I hope my speech can enrich your knowledge and i’m sorry if there is a mistake. Wassalamu’alaikum.


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