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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Merokok

Assalammualaikum wr. Wb The honorable ones the English Teacher, Mrs. Oryza and all my dear friends. In the name of Almighty God, the most gracious and merciful that has given us the health and blessing in our life, so we can keep meeting and gather in this classroom. Ladies and gentlemen In these days, more people have experienced respiratory problems. This can be caused by contaminated air or unhealthy lifestyles. One cause of air polluted is tobacco smoke. And unhealthy lifestyle is smoking. People who daily inhale cigarette smoke, although not smoking tend to be more susceptible to disease than active smokers. That means, smoking is very dangerous for all people not only for the smoker. Passive smokers who do not participate in smoking, poorly accept the consequences of active smokers. Ladies and gentlemen, According to Wikipedia, Cigarette is a cylinder of paper length between 70 to 120 mm with a diameter about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chop...

Laporan Praktikum Proses Fermentasi pada Pembuatan Tape

FERMENTASI PADA PEMBUATAN TAPE Dikerjakan oleh: Nama:       Sania Nur Mulia Fadia Utami Fadhila Ramadhani Thiraya Zeininna Deri Firmansyah Salwa Sayyidina Tassya Yulanda Kelas:        XII-IA3 T.A. 2017/2018 SMA NEGERI 3 BINJAI BAB I PENDAHULUAN A.   Latar Belakang Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang kaya akan keberagaman dan keunikan kulinernya. Baik keunikan dalam rasanya, cara pembuatannya dan jenis makanannya. Salah satu kuliner khas Indonesia yang sangat unik adalah tapai atau tape. Tapai  atau  tape  adalah kudapan yang sangat lezat untuk dikonsumsi. Namun ternyata, tape adalah kudapan yang berasal dari proses fermentasi. Untuk mengetahui lebih jelas apa itu proses fermentasi dan mengetahui lebih jelas bagaimana proses pembuatan tape, perlu diadakan praktikum agar tape tidak hilang ditelan waktu. B.    Tujuan Praktikum Ø   Mende...


Ramadan Mubarak everyone! Is it too late to say that? I think not yet. Entering the 2nd week of Ramadan i wanna thanks to Allah SWT, cause here in Indonesia (North Sumatera especially) has good season. Here, where i'm staying, are rainy, cool enough, sometimes hot but always raining at least once a day so far. Plus the time of fasting is not really long, only 13-14 hours (in North Sumatera) and i can handle it easily Insha Allah. I'm so grateful this year. Alhamdulillah, thankyou Allah SWT!