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My First Marathon Competition Experience

Posted on December 2, 2013 by Heri Purnomo on his blog

            Sunday, 1 December 2013 was a my first marathon competition experience. In the first experience, definitely a lot of new things that are known and have not thought about before. Saw the opponents who their run like not know about tired sometimes make me down. Apperently, it was different when practice in the real field. Tiredness was more felt when in the real field and the distance as though was more far with distance when practice used treadmill. Maybe it was because there was up and down field and curve like when rush past in round of Semanggi. Altough reached distance only 5 kilometers but my breath who not habitual yet for long distance ran was felt so tired. And then, my calf muscles and thigh were felt stiff. It was really my foot like carried 5 kilograms stone. Whereas, my ambition was reached target top 100 hehe. But no problem, I grateful because I can finished with just under 40 minutes.
            This experience I wrote when I didn’t know the time that I reached yet. Beginning with warming in the Start and Finish area which located in front of Istora Senayan Jakarta at 5:30 a.m. we were group from office had ready with warming and stracing. In the cold morning plus stab small drizzle, the committee perforce an announce about retreat start which planned at 6:15 a.m. to be 6:30 a.m. I don’t know why, maybe because the small drizzle. Finally we used that retreat for warming and urinate. Yeah, as you known, the cold weather made often to go to the toilet.
            Until the time showed 6:30 a.m. start had began, and 1000 more participants splatter and ran from the Start line fast. From Istora to the first door Senayan and turn left past Jendral Sudirman street to the round of Semanggi. When spin in Semanggi the hard fight had began because the street was uphill. My foot felt heavy to step quickly, breath must pumped more in so that didn’t narrow. The participants one by one began reduce their step until not ran anymore. Especially, moms and participants who up 40 years old.
            The participants came from various countries. The most famous were participants from Kenya. It was because easy to know because the negro Africans hallmark, were to be client champion in the before events. Some tourist were joined this Run50K too.
From the age, there were various age because nothing age limit if they can. For competition rating were allotted to be 6 categories, age under 20, age 20-40 and age 40 and other. Each age were allotted 2 categories, male and female. After spin in round of Semanggi finally we were go back go along the edge antipodes street in Jendral Sudirman street to Block M.
Before turn over, there was board written 3 kilometers. Oh, I was happy more half reached distance, I took a glass of water which presented by committee for participants. Some times later, the committee who worked as street indicated given directions to participants to the Senayan first door to the Finish line after board written 4 kilometers began saw. Hundreds people were saw to Finish line. But, my calf didn’t persue they were finished yet. Yeah, I didn’t want to force this foot because I was afraid this foot can be imprison. I was better still small ran although my speed was not maximal, but arrive at Finish successfully. I didn’t got my target top 100 medal, yeah no problem hehe. Because it was the first experience I joined marathon. There were many things that I must fix, because marathon not only ran as usual without technique and strategy.
From the original experience, maybe can added our insight about sport activity.

Experience by Heri Purnomo on his blog
Translate from Bahasa to English by Sania Nur Mulia
Edited by Sania Nur Mulia

Name: Sania Nur Mulia
Class: X-8


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