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Gatau nih tiba-tiba lagi pengen nulis aja ditengah malem gini. Plus udah lama juga kan ga nulis di blog, walaupun gaada yg baca juga sih tapi ya gapapa. Diriku dimasa depan akan dengan sangat senang hati membaca tulisanku dimasa lalu haha. Oke stop basa-basi gais, lanjut aja. Aku dulu mikir, pengen banget yang namanya punya pacar, punya seseorang yang selalu bisa support kita, selalu bisa diandalkan, ada yang dikabarin dan ada yang ngabarin kita. Jujur. Aku udah bertahun-tahun sendiri, bahkan bisa dibilang dari lahir sih kayaknya. Dan dari tahun ke tahun, aku tuh selalu pengen ya Allah punya pacar plis. Tapi ditahun 2020 ini, aku kembali mikir "Buat apa sih pacaran?" Terlepas dari agama ya, menurut aku pacaran jg ga menjamin hidup kalian bahagia kan? Selagi punya temen dan keluarga, ini tuh udah cukup banget. Selain itu, aku punya beberapa temen yang pacaran, dan mereka ga bebas gengs. Ga bebas berteman sama siapa aja, ga bebas kemana-mana, ga bebas ngapa ngapain. Kalo g...
Postingan terbaru

Don't Waste Your Time!

Almost 1 month of holiday in my first semester. I kinda feel bad for myself cause i don ’ t make my holiday productively. I shouldn ’ t be lazy. I should ’ ve be productive even it ’ s holiday. I just waste my money by hang out with my friend. I should ’ ve learn for my next semester right? Okay, no more regret. Once you ’ ve done it, it ’ ll never be back again. You guys know that time is money right? So, don ’ t waste your time for doing such an useless activity. Be productive so you won ’ t regret it in the future. Don ’ t be like me, fiuhh! What i have to do right now is move on and don ’ t be regret anymore. Cause life must go on. Don ’ t repeat the same mistake in the past, right? Anyway, tomorrow will be the first day of my 2nd semester. Wish me luck, guys! pic source: Saatchi Art Follow my instagram: saniamulia

No More Insecure

Do you ever feel when you are in a bottom from everyone else? Yeah, i felt that once or twice (or even thrice well i don't know). All you could do is just be quite all the time a.k.a you don't know what to do. I've been through all of that honey. Maybe my problem is more simple than yours, but here's a thing. We have kinda same problem right? Feeling insecure! Well, listen to me carefully! All you have to do is be thankful. That's all. Nothing else. With feeling thankful in yourself, you'll feel enough for all you already have right now. Believe me, God is gave you the best, and he knows you more than you know yourself. With that, you'll no longer feeling insecure again. Trust me, it works! Now go outside, and be free again! Say hello to this damn world, give your best smile!

My Journey to Veterinary Medicine

Hai, aku Sania. Disini aku mau sharing ke kalian perjuangan aku dapetin PTN dan jurusan yang aku inginkan. Mulai dari SNMPTN ya! Waktu itu pengecekan nilai, apakah sudah sesuai antara rapot dengan data di SNMPTN. Beberapa hari kemudian, keluarlah hasil seleksi pertama SNMPTN. Saat itu aku nggak mau cepat-cepat cek, aku mau nunggu dirumah. Temen-temen sekelasku udah pada nge-cek. Ada yang lulus dan tidak sedangkan saat itu perasaanku masih campur aduk. Teman-teman yang lain mendesakku untuk melihat hasilnya, tapi aku tetap nggak mau. Jujur, saat itu aku PD banget. Didalam hati aku selalu berpikir, “Aku pasti lulus.” Sampai dirumah, aku buru-buru membuka web dan benar saja. Alhamdulillah aku lulus! Setelah seleksi tahap pertama. Siswa yang lulus sibuk memilih jurusan yang diinginkan. Saat pengisian data untuk SNMPTN. Aku memilih: 1)   Kedokteran Unsyiah 2)   Matematika Unsyiah 3)   Matematika USU Pilihan yang gila memang. Aku seberani itu untuk mengambil dilua...

Happy Eid Mubrak

Hello everyone! Finally we reach the Eid Mubarak. But, on the other side i felt sad because "Goodbye Ramadan" :( I hope we can feel the Ramadan and Syawal next year! Amen! Pic source

The Game I Recently Play: The Sims Mobile

The game mobile is hyping right now. Some PC game dev, has publish their game in mobile version or the other dev making the mobile version of those PC game. I know, most people has their own mobile device including children. I admit that these mobile game are quiet fun to play. Because wherever we go, we are more often bring our mobile device than our PC. Beside, mobile device is "bringable" wherever and whenever. We can easily check our game process in our mobile device. After wake up, some people immediately check their phone and play their game, include me sometimes. One of the mobile game i play right now is The Sims Mobile . This game is addicted enough just like the PC mode. I love this game and i already play it for 3 months i guess.  The Sims  is a life simulation game series that was developed by Maxis and The Sims  Studio and published by Electronic Arts. (Wikipedia) Do you guys like mobile games? Which one do you prefer, mobile games or PC ga...

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Merokok

Assalammualaikum wr. Wb The honorable ones the English Teacher, Mrs. Oryza and all my dear friends. In the name of Almighty God, the most gracious and merciful that has given us the health and blessing in our life, so we can keep meeting and gather in this classroom. Ladies and gentlemen In these days, more people have experienced respiratory problems. This can be caused by contaminated air or unhealthy lifestyles. One cause of air polluted is tobacco smoke. And unhealthy lifestyle is smoking. People who daily inhale cigarette smoke, although not smoking tend to be more susceptible to disease than active smokers. That means, smoking is very dangerous for all people not only for the smoker. Passive smokers who do not participate in smoking, poorly accept the consequences of active smokers. Ladies and gentlemen, According to Wikipedia, Cigarette is a cylinder of paper length between 70 to 120 mm with a diameter about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chop...